Mary Kelaher tells a gritty story about life in the cast of a family's shadow.

Mary Kelaher


You're over the first hurdle as a writer and you're finally writing consistently. Now what?

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Girl in a field of grass

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bits and pieces

Yesterday, I started sorting through all of my notes for the bits and pieces of the story that would fit into the scenes outlined in the action / reaction section cards for the sub them abandonment. To my surprise, it now looks as though I have enough content to start writing my synopsis and the beginnings of what looks like a chapter.

Using this journal to create some type of accountability and to record my thoughts throughout the novel writing process is working really well for me. It has really sharpened my focus and has helped seeing what is working and what isn't a lot easier.

Writing this novel is starting to get really exciting. Over the last few days, I put together the synopsis and manuscript templates, and created the title page based on the standard outlined in Even Marshall’s book.

All of a sudden my novel feels real. I haven’t felt so much positive energy around anything I’ve been working on for so long it’s a bit ridiculous. And sad.

It doesn’t feel as if I’m on a treadmill of just producing page after page of text that is supposed to all magically fit together as a story anymore. It now feels like I’m crafting a story. It is like I am both recording what comes up about the topic during my writing tasks and creating how the story hangs together or how the story will be told with the action/reaction sheets.

I love this job.


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