Mary Kelaher tells a gritty story about life in the cast of a family's shadow.

Mary Kelaher


You're over the first hurdle as a writer and you're finally writing consistently. Now what?

Join me as I trawl my way through all the writing tips, promotion tips and publishing tips to try and find the diamonds in the bedrock.

Girl in a field of grass

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tweaks and adjustments

I fell off the wagon again yesterday. My partner suggested going out to lunch so off I went. But today is another day.

Ok, rather than berate myself about what I didn't do, lets look at what I did do.

* Created a template for my action/reation cards
* Printed all the action/reaction sequences and updated the storyboard
* Updated my website with the latest story overview

I've decided to drop the character sheets from the daily task list for now. I'm developing the characters through the 1/2 topic specific writing. I pick one of the characters and write about the topic from their point of view. I'll schedule completing the character development sheets as a task after I finish the action/reaction sheets. The revised check in should be enough for now.

Check In

* Journal entry Yes
* 1 hour FF writing Yes
* 1/2 hour topic specific writing No
* 10 min. sensual detail topic No
* Action / Reaction Sheet Yes


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