Mary Kelaher tells a gritty story about life in the cast of a family's shadow.

Mary Kelaher


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Girl in a field of grass

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Two minor characters

I have been surprised by the amount of research and thought that needs to go into what I considered to be two minor characters in my story. Nancy's mother and father (I haven't named them yet.)

They only appear briefly in the first part of the book, right at the beginning and at the end. But in trying to understand the motivations for what they did I have found that I have to develop a complete psychological profile and history for each of them. I also have to understand the times in which the lived and the psyche and the attitudes of society during that period.

All of this impacts so heavily on the psyche of Nancy and is part of what creates her character traits and what drives her. I am finding I cannot understand Nancy if I do not understanding her parents and what impacts they have had on who they are.

Two minor characters with a major impact on the story. Interesting.



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