The other aspect to my most prolific writing / creative periods was that I was working with a partner during the tasks that held me accountable. But thus far my efforts to find an ongoing writing partner have been disappointing. My experiences have shown me that a lot of people like the idea of a writing partner, but not the reality of actually doing the tasks required week in and week out and being held accountable for them. So I need to put tools in place that create that sense of accountability.
What I need is that same sense of a check in. Like daily tasks, a daily check in seemed to work best. I might set up a daily check in that recording whether I have achieved my daily tasks. I display a graph showing my progress toward my goals that I could update weekly. Sort of like a project plan.
The other aspect to my writing that I need to get a grip on is the effect that the topic is having on me. It is leaving me a bit down. Researching and creating a story about the inside of an abusers head can leave me feeling really bummed out. Which leads to the question: Would readers want to spend the time inside the head of an abuser?
I think it could sell because so many of the topics covered in Women's Fiction genre are depressing. And I got through Joyce Carol Oates book Zombie which is a walk around inside the head of a phsycopath. I also really do believe that this topic is worthwhile.
Time to post my first check in from yesterday.
* Journal entry Yes
* 1 hour FF writing Yes
* 1/2 hour topic specific writing Yes
* 10 min. sensual detail topic No
* Action / Reaction Sheet Yes
* Character development No
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