A cork board
I found a corkboard yesterday large enough to cover the windows in my office. My partner mounted it on the wall and I pinned my first Action and Reaction section sheets up under Abandonment. And now it's looking a tad empty.
So today is the day that I begin to rectify the problem of the empty corkboard. There are a total of 58 characteristics of all the behaviours associated with the theme. If I complete an action/reaction sheet per weekday for 58 days I should have a basic outline of the plot of the book by the end of November. But I need to do more than that to get this book really going.
Upon reflection, I was my most prolific (after Nano month that is) when I was working through the exercise Discovering Your Creative Time in Linda Seger's book Making a Good Writer Great and applying the freefall rules of writing for one hour a day on what ever comes up for you and ten minutes a day about a topic designed to evoke "sensuous detail".
So I need a daily work schedule. And I really need to start setting some goals based on that schedule otherwise I can see this being a work in progress forever. So I need to define the minimum I should be doing each day to get me rolling again.
Goal: All the action/reaction sheets for each behaviour completed by 1 December.
Daily Tasks:
- Journal entry
- One hour freefall writing
- Half hour topic specific writing
- Ten minutes sensual detail topic
- Action / Reaction Sheet
- Character development
The exercise about discovering my most creative time revealed that my most productive freefall style writing time is in the morning. But my most productive time for writing specifically about the story Long Grass is in the afternoon. So, in theory this should work well. Journal entry, freefall, and half hour of topic specific writing in the morning and ten minute sensual detail topic, action/reaction sheet and character development in the afternoon.
Well time to get started on the second task of the day. One hour of freefall writing.
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