Mary Kelaher tells a gritty story about life in the cast of a family's shadow.

Mary Kelaher

You're over the first hurdle as a writer and you're finally writing consistently. Now what?

Join me as I trawl my way through all the writing tips, promotion tips and publishing tips to try and find the diamonds in the bedrock.

Girl in a field of grass

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Promotion for the unpublished

I'm stuck. I haven't been able to write for the last two weeks. So rather than waste my time watching Oprah, Dr Phil or Star Trek, I've been working on the promotion side of my writing.

This lead me to the question:

If you're an unpublished writer, when do you start using each of the promotion tools to promote yourself and your book?

After all I don't want to rush out and spend a whole lot of time and money promoting something that doesn't actually exist yet. Well in its finished form.

I read somewhere (don't ask me where, I've read so much about this topic over the past year, I really can't remember) that a writer should start promoting their book 2 years before they plan on sending it a publisher.

I'm a least 18 months away from a finished product, so I've come up with a list of promotion activities that are easy for the unpublished writer to do that are free.

* Read blogs and subscribe to newsletters that give free promotion tips
* Start a blog about your book
* Create your own web site
* Create a mini movie
* Start building a mailing list
* Put the URL to your blog and web site in your email signature

Got any more ideas? Let me know.

Good luck.

Friday, May 11, 2007

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