Mary Kelaher tells a gritty story about life in the cast of a family's shadow.

Mary Kelaher

You're over the first hurdle as a writer and you're finally writing consistently. Now what?

Join me as I trawl my way through all the writing tips, promotion tips and publishing tips to try and find the diamonds in the bedrock.

Girl in a field of grass

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Travelling & writing

I'm two weeks into my experiment of writing and travelling and some valuable lessons have been learned.

Lesson 1 - While it is possible to write without a laptop, it is defiantly more convenient to have one. Especially when you can't find an Internet connection for several days and the pages of written work just keep piling up and up.

I had the opportunity to access the internet at Ceduna in South Australia before I headed across the Nullarbor, but didn't. Big mistake. My next access was two days later at Cocklebiddy in Western Australia and it was expensive.

Lesson 2 - It's so easy to let your writing slip for a couple of days and when you do it is really hard to catch up while you continue to travel.

I have found that it is essential to schedule writing time in your day's intinerary. I now have to spend this week trying to catch up with my writing. I'm still about a week behind. But I'll have the afternoon's free from my writing course all week. So I'm hoping my the end of it, I'll be up-to-date with my Journal.

The added pressure for the next month is going to be continuing on with my novel as well. When I find my next source of income, my number 1 priority is to buy a lap top. Second will be to buy a digital SLR.