Travelling library
We're leaving for Perth tomorrow and where all set to go. I've got my writing suitcase packed, which is the main thing. Talk about a travelling library. There are more writing books than anything else.
It's my birthday today and I got more writing books. Specifically, the pockets size Writing Down to the Bones by Natalie Goldberg (I might need a magnifying glass to see the text in this one), the Lonely Planet's Travel Writing by Don George and Characters & Viewpoint my Orson Scott Card from Readers Digest's Elements of Fiction Series. Coupled with my other books, these should keep me busy writing on the road.
Along with these books, my others essential reference books are:
* Introduction to the Grammar of English by Rodney Huddleston
* The Elements of style by William Strunk Jr and E.B. White
* The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing by Meg Leder et. al.
* Novel Writing 16 Steps to Success by Evan Marshal
* Writing a Novel by Nigl Watts
* Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
* Between the Lines Jessica Page Morrell
I’m really looking forward to just working on the technique side of my writing over the next 3 months while I sit in a tent in the middle of nowhere. Without a TV and the distractions of city living, it will be interesting to see what I’ve got at the end of my trip.